Thursday, March 24, 2011

He found me!

About an hour after posting that last blog guess who waltzed into the lobby I was hangin' out in? Yeah, Levi. Thank god. Apparently he actually DID go to meet me at the airport but we ended up missing each other! I ended up at the public taxi area and he was on the floor above. Oh how much easier it would have been had we known that... oh well, it was an adventure! So around 5am this morning we made it into our hostel, got about an hour of sleep, ate some fried rice on the street and now we're about to venture out into Bangkok on foot. This place is humongous and smells like Lima, Peru. To much pollution for me! Maybe tomorrow night we'll catch a bus or something and head south... not sure where to yet. Oh, and it's hot. And humid. And the taxi's are neon pink, purple, green and red!

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