Friday, March 25, 2011

Bangkok... the City of Angels

Wandered around Bangkok today... Crazy place! It reminds me of South America a bit... Millions of people, slums next to riches, insane drivers, pollution, stray dogs... But it's different in so many ways. Wats (temples) are everywhere, the cars are all new and pretty colors, I can't read a damn thing in Thai and everyone's soo friendly! Instead of riding the sky train or taking a tuk tuk (crazy little car like taxis with open sides that seat two people) we took a boat to another area of town we wanted to explore. Actually, we were going to go to the zoo but decided not to at the last minute. We came across a protest instead. Currently Thailand and Cambodia are fighting over a piece of land that each country thinks should be their own. On the land sits a temple which has been declared a Cambodian UNESCO site but Thailand still wants it. Really interesting to see though, it was peaceful and friendly and people were camped out for days. We even stopped a while next to some guards and reels of razor wire to chat with a guy about the situation. He even invited us to come eat with his family at his tent! OK, I'm hungry now...

1 comment:

  1. Incredible adventure and you've only been there a couple of days!!Enjoy! Love to you and Levi! oxxo
