Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Off roading, sunsets and squid.

Who ever said that motorbikes aren't meant for off road adventures was wrong! Good thing they don't take them for a test drive when you bring them back... we pretty much exhausted ours and there may not be brakes or a clutch left! With only a few minor scratches and a pretty bruise on my leg we had quite the adventure. The roads on Ko Tao really suck due to the recent flooding. Most have washed away leaving deep ruts of sand with fallen palms, rubble and the occasional sandbag. Not that the roads would have been that great regardless but at least they would have been in one piece! They're also incredibly narrow - about the width of my car, and I have a tiny car. So, we explored the majority of the island on two wheels today. Discovered the entire island is run on diesel generators which is crazy to think... these people need solar power! You should see the power station, I can't believe it supports the whole island. No wonder the fan and lights in our room seem to have a mind of their own. I'll try and upload some pictures when I have more time and I'm not being charged a ton by the minute. Just finished dinner at a delicious seaside deck and watched the sun set. Stunning. In the distance you can see the squid fisherman with their bright lights on the horizon and a lightening storm over the mainland behind that. The squid fisherman cheat, I think. They use bright green lights at night to shine into the water which makes the phytoplankton come to the surface which then bring the squid because they eat the plankton. Not legal in the U.S. but there don't seem to be many laws here, if any. Anyways, we're off to a nearby island called Ko Phangyan tomorrow... hopefully we don't break down at sea again!

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